Physics Animation Term Project: Rope Simulation
Updated:Categories: project personal
UST Physics Animation Term Project
- 주제: 현실 물리 기반으로 동작하는 3D model 구현
- 기간: 2014년 2학기
- 현실 물리 세계 법칙에 따른 동작 공식을 JavaScript로 구현하였으며, 그 공식에 따라 움직이는 물체들을 Three.js를 이용하여 Virtual 3D 공간에 표현.
- Github 정리 페이지
- Model a rope with multiple particles
- Implement bending feature
- Use of implicit integrator
- Collision
- Against surroundings
- Rope / Rope interaction
- Modeling
- Particle
- Rope
- Plane
- Cube
- Implicit Method
- Implicit Euler Integration
- Collision
- between Particle and Plane
- between Ropes
- Implicit Euler Method
- Explicit Euler Method
- Collision particle and plane
- Sometimes miss the collision (tunneling effect)
- Collision between ropes method is not that efficient
- Compare to explicit method
- more stable
Physics for JavaScript Games Animation Simulations
Continued from Homework2